About Me

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I am one of the most random people you may ever meet. I do my best to enjoy life in general, and I try to be content with what God has blessed me to have in my life. I am a blunt, honest individual that will give you an honest opinion if asked. Relationships are the most important things in my life. I am concerned with only the opinions of close friends, family, and other close relations of people who care about me. Otherwise, I tend to not care what other people think of me. I am not here to please the world. I am on this planet to serve others in hopes that God finds favor with my efforts to do so at the end of my Earthly existence. I am a good-natured person that lives for the moment. Even though not always successful, I try to look at things in a positive light with a productive attitude and world view. I am thankful for each breath that I take because each breath that is taken is a blessing in of itself. Make the most of what you can while you can. You get one chance at this thing called life. So try your best to Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever. If you have any questions about me or my BLOG, don't hesitate to ask, and I will give you a straightforward answer.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Billy Hornsby….A Life I Hope to Emulate

I think often times we spend wasted energy, worry, and doubt consumed with the life of worldly ambitions. I believe we exist to live larger and to make God a proud Father when we die. While I did not know him personally, Billy Hornsby left a legacy behind that I hope to emulate. I do not wish to live so that I can fill my garage and storage closets with a bunch of junk. Yesterday I was really discouraged by not having a job. I search and search and search, and quite frankly I just get sick of trying for a goal that never seems to have an end. Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever just want to fall back in the Lazy-Boy seat, kick back, and give up on your inner desires and ambitions?

I think that in my situation Hornsby might quote a scripture like Philippians 3:12-14 if I had this self-pitiful conversation with him:

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Hornsby had a Kingdom mind-set. He didn’t just see the room around him. He saw Jesus’ hands pierced in everything he did. He served to plant churches, to save lives, and to impact thousands through his leadership and example to rock this country back and forth for an awakening that can no longer be ignored by our political leaders in both Montgomery and Washington D. C.

I spoke with a new acquaintance in the downtown Starbucks before I had a casual meeting with a reputable advertising manager and editor for a well-known publication in Birmingham. This individual lost everything in the last year and a half – cars, multiple places of residence, costly possessions, etc. He longed to return to a lifestyle in New York City with stuff to pile up in a penthouse apartment. I could just sense the loss as he clung to these things as if they defined him. I personally am satisfied with nice camera equipment, a good car, some clothes, and camping gear in addition to living in the same room I had in high school. That’s right. I live at home. But I love it because there is content in the foundation of being okay with Jesus, just Jesus.

While I was getting caught up in the emotions of not having a job, I got the email concerning Hornsby’s death. Suddenly my stomach inhaled a feeling of remorse for my dissatisfaction in self-analysis of “where I should be.” Hornsby understood the true measure of a man. He had true grit. He was everything I want to be and will spend my life reaching for higher and higher in the goals God sets for my life. When I reach for the stars, I may not reach Hayley’s Comet. But it will feel good when I fall into the precious clouds of God’s Mercy and Love. That is where Hornsby lies now. We seem to forget so easily what our life’s ambitions are in Christ. Publish books. Start nonprofits. Get good jobs. Marry a hot wife. Plant churches. But I will remember where those goals should come from as I achieve them as Hornsby did, from a Father in heaven who is awesomely powerful and loves me more than I could ever imagine or conceive. Today let’s give thanks for Billy. But let’s give thanks for our own lives so that we may smell the roses and be resurrected once more daily in His Perfection and not our meager inadequacies to do it all on our own. Pursue dreams. Live big. Love as you never have before. But do so in His name and His name alone in the celebration of life that we are given once and once only. “Let the glory of your name be the passion of the church….we believe you are all to us!” –Chris Tomlin, live from Passion 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia.

If you would like to know more about Bill Hornsby, this following press release was provided by Church of the Highlands:

Billy Hornsby, founder and President of the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and teaching pastor at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama, went to be with the Lord on March 23, 2011, surrounded by family and friends. Billy, 61, had been battling cancer for over two years. He was known for his contagious love and passion for God, family, life, and leaders around the world.

Church of the Highlands will host a memorial service celebrating Pastor Billy’s life at the Grants Mill Campus on Monday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. CDT. The family is requesting that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Association of Related Churches (ARC), a non-profit ministry which trains, resources and supports church planters.

Billy was born on April 18, 1949 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He married his childhood sweetheart Charlene in 1967. Their ministry together began in 1975 in West Monroe, Louisiana where they started their first church, Victory Fellowship. In 1984 they moved to Germany to serve as missionaries where they planted and supported churches all across Europe. Billy and Charlene moved back to the USA in 1989 and started two new churches in Kentucky. In 1991 they moved back to their hometown in Louisiana to serve as Associate Pastor at Bethany World Prayer Center. Under Pastor Larry Stockstill’s leadership, Billy launched hundreds of small groups at Bethany and trained thousands of other churches in cell church ministry.

In 2001 Billy and Charlene moved to Charleston, South Carolina to serve at Seacoast Church with Pastor Greg Surratt. During his time there, Billy and Greg began to dream about planting life-giving churches all across the country. In 2001, Billy and Greg, along with Dino Rizzo, Rick Bezet, Scott Hornsby, and Chris Hodges, founded the Association of Related Churches. ARC is now one of the largest church planting organizations in the country and trains thousands of church planters every year and gives millions of dollars annually to church planters. In 2008, Billy and Charlene moved to Birmingham, Alabama where the ARC is currently headquartered.

Billy also served as European Coordinator for EQUIP, a non-profit organization founded by John C. Maxwell which specializes in the development of international Christian leaders. Under Billy’s leadership, hundreds of thousands of new leaders have been trained in Europe over the past ten years.

Pastor Billy was also an author and well-known speaker. His books include “The Cell-Driven Church,” “Success for the Second in Command,” “101 Rules for Relationships,” and “The Attractional Church.”

Billy is survived by his wife of 43 years, Charlene; daughter Tammy Hodges and son-in-law Chris; daughter Trudy Bezet and son-in-law David; daughter Shary Long and son-in-law Phil; eight grandchildren: Natalie Gravois, Sarah, Michael, David, Jonathan, and Joseph Hodges, Wesley and Abby Long; brothers Frank Hornsby, Leon Hornsby, Scott Hornsby, and sister Suzanne Hobgood. Billy is preceded in death by two grandchildren, Will Long and Joy Long.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Veintitrés: From the very beginning...

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I am not going to write my usual long blog entry because I am just happy to have a book out on the market for you to buy and enjoy reading as you support my writing endeavors.

I heard a close friend recently ask the following question: “Is anything good ever going to happen to me?” I think we have all had that question in the back of our mind at some point in life. You constantly look at God in the sky and ask, “What are you doing?” For the last four-six months, I often had that conversation with God because things have just not been that easy for me.

But I think it comes down to what I have labeled as a Kingdom mind-set. God does not necessarily promise success, joy, and happiness 24/7. We have to go through hard times to realize how truly good we have it as Christians. I cannot explain the change in attitude, and please understand we all have our bad days. But yesterday, I had a simple praise for my Bible study that I was grateful for all that is good in my life – my church, my friends, my family, this book, my computer, taking clean showers, whatever. How we look at things often determines how moments play out in real life. I cannot remember a time of adversity in my life when things did not turn around for the better eventually. And one day we are truly going to live in the Land of Forever with God so things will inevitably turn around in the end for everyone, won’t they?

I have been uplifted and discouraged at the same time in my writing. Several people have turned in ignorance simply in reaction to what they do not understand. This has included some authors and ministry leaders I really had the utmost respect for. On the flip side, I also had people show kindness from areas and in ways I never expected to encounter. For instance, one friend on two occasions has introduced me twice and instantly told the two new acquaintances I published a small collection of poetry and photography that they needed to buy. I literally just met this guy less than two weeks ago. Morally founded and supportive Christian relationships will stick around. Those who end up flaking out in the end may not be the best relationships for you to be in right now or ever for that matter. Do you really want to surround yourself with people who are not around when you really need them? I mean I have been crushed by some of the friendships over the years I have lost and even in the last year, ones who supported my self-publication andsome who didn’t.

In the beginning of the book, I have a familiar quote by Winston Churchill that says, “Never, never, never give up.” There will always be people who criticize what you do because often times they do not have a Kingdom mind-set. When things get hard, they back away because they do not understand what the eternal or even instant ramifications may be. Those who stick around usually understand an all-knowing awesome God! So do not let the criticisms pull you down; let them fuel the fire for what you want to be. I would like to publish several books from here on out. I consider this book to be a success because these 23 poems and 23 photographs are mine. God gave me the ability to produce something that some might consider beautiful during one of the worst seasons of my life. Maybe something good did come out of those days when I asked, “Is anything good ever going to happen to me, God?”

I dedicated this book to my Peruvian family (Waldo, Estela, and Marcelo) because they understand the nature of what it means to be there when someone needs you. I was a complete stranger for the summer I spent with them, and I have never felt so welcomed in my life by anyone who just randomly did not know me. When someone goes through hard times, maybe we should emulate the nature of a collective culture. Do not think about yourself. Think about the person you should be serving in His name!

Today I give thanks for a book that has taken several months in the making with some poems I have been working on and off for several years. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to bring something even though small forward into creation. I introduce to you Veintitrés a book that started from the beginning when I was a nobody trying to become a somebody.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS POWER THAT IS AT WORK WITHIN US, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dreamers Dream Big Because Big Flames Never Die

Tonight was one of the most amazing worship experiences I ever had at Church of the Highlands – Hillsong United traveled here to praise, worship, and play. Pastor Chris said that Hillsong even inspired him to “untuck his shirt.” I had to personally untuck my shirt because I was jumping up and down so much worshipping the God who created me. Perhaps that is why Chris also needed to untuck his shirt because like the rest of the congregation he was jumping for joy in an audience of celebration for the death and resurrection of the freedom we find in Christ.

I recently met an individual who at first really impressed me. In order to respect this individual’s privacy, I will not use him or her to identify the gender of this individual. In other words, you will get my point without giving hints of the identity of who this person might be with the relevance of what gender this person is. I was awed by this person’s motivation and passion to live….more so in this person’s drive to live in serving others. As I got to know this person and analyze self- behaviors more personally, I kept wondering if the behaviors were socially normal or more of a performance to steal the show. I am not trying to offer judgment here, but studying Communication for two years in a Masters program at Auburn University makes me analyze such things. The conversation was predominantly three-fourths focused on this individual, many things that focused inwardly.

I shared some of my testimony with this person including some of my dreams. I went to breakfast with another close friend this morning. He mentioned that he was careful not to question people’s dreams. He did not want to squelch my big ideas and my inner drive to become more in Christ’s name. The previously mentioned person openly criticized me, questioning whether my dreams and visions were Christ-driven. Now I was one of close to four thousand people tonight with my hands reached out to the sky praising God for what He has done for me. This individual privately discouraged me but publically makes a spectacle of being so positive. I found the paradox to be annoying and somewhat devious. For instance, it is like I am this person in private, but I am another person in public with an act for who I really am. A performance is occurring. That drives me crazy! In fact, what really drives me crazy is when people judge other people’s hearts, questioning their dreams in Christ. I am not sure that would necessarily qualify as a sin, but the feeling kind of makes me sick.

We are meant to push limits in Christ. We are meant to become more. I live with what many people claim has limited my personality in the form of a disability. I would argue that God powerfully uses the disabled because no one is truly disabled to do anything. We are enabled in Christ’s name to break limited possibilities and to forever proclaim His name.

This week Billy Hornsby, one of the Association of Related Church founders and a prominent pioneer in a new Christian revolution of church planting, has been quoting the following verse from Isaiah 42:3 as close to three hundred people have met with him what may soon be the end of his life:

“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;” NIV.

“A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.” KJV.

“He won't brush aside the bruised and the hurt and he won't disregard the small and insignificant, but he'll steadily and firmly set things right. He won't tire out and quit. He won't be stopped until he's finished his work—to set things right on earth.” The Message.

As Hillsong sings, the “fire will fall down.” We will not tire. We will not quit. Our flames will not be squelched. God will ignite a forest fire that brightens the sky like a good Fourth of July fireworks show. Dreams are not meant to be criticized by secretly pessimistic, public optimists. I would say I am feeling more like myself these days, and I will not stand still for anyone to water down the fires within my heart that can change a nation. Billy Hornsby started a revolutionary movement across the country with his system of loving other people, of welcoming those who may in some ways have been rejected elsewhere. I prefer to be like Billy, genuine, positively charged, and in possible tragedy still on fire for what he knows to be true. Tonight we sung praises to the God of the Universe. Do not put limits on His power. Dream big and know together we can and together we will fight the good fight and pursue that which is most holy, His Glory. Naysayers will always ridicule, but visionaries become empowered by what individuals say cannot be done because in that moment we still believe we as disciples can. Live. Give. Serve. Love. And sing praises to the number one Dream Maker, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"I untucked my shirt in honor of the hillsong band." Church of the Highlands quote of the night, have fun w/ Jesus!