About Me

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I am one of the most random people you may ever meet. I do my best to enjoy life in general, and I try to be content with what God has blessed me to have in my life. I am a blunt, honest individual that will give you an honest opinion if asked. Relationships are the most important things in my life. I am concerned with only the opinions of close friends, family, and other close relations of people who care about me. Otherwise, I tend to not care what other people think of me. I am not here to please the world. I am on this planet to serve others in hopes that God finds favor with my efforts to do so at the end of my Earthly existence. I am a good-natured person that lives for the moment. Even though not always successful, I try to look at things in a positive light with a productive attitude and world view. I am thankful for each breath that I take because each breath that is taken is a blessing in of itself. Make the most of what you can while you can. You get one chance at this thing called life. So try your best to Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever. If you have any questions about me or my BLOG, don't hesitate to ask, and I will give you a straightforward answer.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Truth of a Moment

The Truth of a Moment

So sometimes in regards to myself,

I do not know how to express my feelings

To the person I wish to be with.

You become mesmerized by the thought

Of being with someone,

But then you don’t know what to do and say

To be with that person.

To simply tell her that you want her

Is a statement that society looks down upon.

You may pray for her every second

She comes to mind

Only to realize it is in her thoughts and presence

That with you she becomes blind.

To keep a secret quiet

May cause more harm than would cause good.

When inside it has been hidden truth exposed

Is perhaps the true meaning of affection

For another person who could be more

Than you ever expected.

You may lose that which you desire,

But you then live with the choice

Of truth that you stood to take.

In the reality of a moment

You decided to take a risk with honest feelings

Asking for an honest reaction.

The moment can go one way or it can go another,

But sometimes the risk is well worth the reward

That could potentially be attained

If something is meant to be,

It will be without any force able to stop it.

What one considers best is not always best

For the life of a certain individual,

But it is the risk to test what might be best

That makes the journey worth living.

When you risk all that you have to give,

You realize that pain may be inevitable,

But if you are willing to risk the hurt for her,

Then in the eye blink of a moment,

Your know your feelings were true in purpose

And intention to be with her.

Your judgment is not cloudy.

In fact, it has never been more exact

When you realize she is worth

The pain it took in the risks

It took to be with her.

JLC iii, 3/24/07

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