About Me

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I am one of the most random people you may ever meet. I do my best to enjoy life in general, and I try to be content with what God has blessed me to have in my life. I am a blunt, honest individual that will give you an honest opinion if asked. Relationships are the most important things in my life. I am concerned with only the opinions of close friends, family, and other close relations of people who care about me. Otherwise, I tend to not care what other people think of me. I am not here to please the world. I am on this planet to serve others in hopes that God finds favor with my efforts to do so at the end of my Earthly existence. I am a good-natured person that lives for the moment. Even though not always successful, I try to look at things in a positive light with a productive attitude and world view. I am thankful for each breath that I take because each breath that is taken is a blessing in of itself. Make the most of what you can while you can. You get one chance at this thing called life. So try your best to Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever. If you have any questions about me or my BLOG, don't hesitate to ask, and I will give you a straightforward answer.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monologues to Taylor - The First Letter


First of all, I listen to your music all the time at work while I should be making outbound calls to potential students, but listening to music while I write fictional letters to Taylor Swift is so much more fun. About three – four weeks ago I sent the cookie bouquet in the picture above to a unique girl down in Florida, and frankly I was quite proud of the mack move of being creatively thoughtful. The food made bouquet was themed to recognize and wish her luck on her first day teaching school. I thought I would for sure of have gotten a “Thank you” in return. She never said, “Thank you.” Can you believe that? It sounds like one of your songs about a jerk-boyfriend (Why you got to be so mean?). Through your actions as a celebrity (for instance hugging over 16,000 people), you seem quite different. I was not expecting the girl to acknowledge my presence and fall into my arms while we sailed off into the sunset on horseback. Even if I never spoke to you in person, I am sure you would have your assistant call me to speak with a cordial “thank you.” I believe an epidemic has rapidly spread over this country where individuals feel that they deserve what they get without a grateful spirit to simply say, “Thank you.”

I will admit that this letter will be my attempt to get a date with you. I heard you are dating the werewolf-dude from Twilight. Well, while he may look good in a swimsuit calendar, he has nothing on what I am going to do in life through my relationship with Christ. I mean, really, who believes in werewolves and vampire teenage love? That just sounds silly hearing it. While many laugh at my absurd dreams (meaning they think it will never happen), I believe in the fulfillment of dreams, and I worship a big God. I believe you are one of the few celebrities in the world who does not think and/or act like you are better than the fans who cheer for you. So the Taylor Swift monologues begin to grab dinner with another individual who has a big heart to change thousands of live. I desire to do so in God's name and will one day when I plant a church and write books to inspire. I am still in the process of coming up – one day at a time. I choose to believe in the impossible. Dream big, or do not dream at all. God closes doors and opens doors. I will leave that up to Him. “God does not require that we succeed; he only requires that we try.” - Mother Teresa.

I guess like my crazy friends from Auburn I will one day get that hug.

James L. Cartee

"TWO THUMBS DOWN.....like sour milk!" -ZO- (in reference to the picture below)

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